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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - as


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I. [c red]CONJUNCTION AND PREPOSITION USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 12 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If something happens as something else happens, it happens at the same time. Another policeman has been injured as fighting continued this morning... All the jury’s eyes were on him as he continued... The play started as I got there. CONJ 2. You use the structure as...as when you are comparing things. I never went through a final exam that was as difficult as that one... There was no obvious reason why this could not be as good a film as the original. PHRASE • As is also a conjunction. Being a mother isn’t as bad as I thought at first!... I don’t think he was ever as fit as he should have been. PHRASE 3. You use as...as to emphasize amounts of something. You can look forward to a significant cash return by saving from as little as ?10 a month... She gets as many as eight thousand letters a month. PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis 4. You use as when you are indicating what someone or something is or is thought to be, or what function they have. He has worked as a diplomat in the US, Sudan and Saudi Arabia... The news apparently came as a complete surprise... I had natural ability as a footballer. PREP 5. If you do something as a child or as a teenager, for example, you do it when you are a child or a teenager. She loved singing as a child and started vocal training at 12. PREP 6. You use as to say how something happens or is done, or to indicate that something happens or is done in the same way as something else. I’ll behave toward them as I would like to be treated... Today, as usual, he was wearing a three-piece suit... The book was banned in the US, as were two subsequent books. CONJ 7. You use as in expressions like as a result and as a consequence to indicate how two situations or events are related to each other. As a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are arranging for someone to stay in their home when they’re away... PREP 8. You use as to introduce short clauses which comment on the truth of what you are saying. As you can see, we’re still working... We were sitting, as I remember, in a riverside restaurant. CONJ 9. You can use as to mean ‘because’ when you are explaining the reason for something. Enjoy the first hour of the day. This is important as it sets the mood for the rest of the day. = since CONJ 10. You say as it were in order to make what you are saying sound less definite. I’d understood the words, but I didn’t, as it were, understand the question. PHRASE: PHR with cl c darkgreen]vagueness 11. You use expressions such as as it is, as it turns out, and as things stand when you are making a contrast between a possible situation and what actually happened or is the case. I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it’s a Wednesday or a Thursday. PHRASE 12. as against: see against as ever: see ever as a matter of fact: see fact as follows: see follow as long as: see long as opposed to: see opposed as regards: see regard as soon as: see soon as such: see such as well: see well as well as: see well as yet: see yet II. [c red]USED WITH OTHER PREPOSITIONS AND CONJUNCTIONS Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use as for and as to at the beginning of a sentence in order to introduce a slightly different subject that is still connected to the previous one. I feel that there’s a lot of pressure put on policemen. And as for putting guns in their hands, I don’t think that’s a very good idea at all. PREP-PHRASE: PREP n/-ing 2. You use as to to indicate what something refers to. They should make decisions as to whether the student needs more help... PREP-PHRASE: PREP wh 3. If you say that something will happen as of, or in British English as from, a particular date or time, you mean that it will happen from that time on. The border, effectively closed since 1981, will be opened as of January the 1st... She is to retire as from 1 October. PREP-PHRASE 4. You use as if and as though when you are giving a possible explanation for something or saying that something appears to be the case when it is not. Anne shrugged, as if she didn’t know... PHRASE AS A MATTER OF COURSE see course
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   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English eallswa likewise, just ~ — more at also  Date: before 12th century  1. to the same degree or amount ~ soft ~ silk twice ~ long  2. for instance various trees, ~ oak or pine  3. when considered in a specified form or relation — usually used before a preposition or a participle my opinion ~ distinguished from his  II. conjunction  Date: 12th century  1. ~ if looks ~ he had seen a ghost — S. T. Coleridge  2. in or to the same degree in which soft ~ silk — usually used ~ a correlative after an adjective or adverb modified by adverbial ~ or so ~ cool ~ a cucumber  3. in the way or manner that do ~ I do  4. in accordance with what or the way in which quite good ~ boys go  5. while, when spilled the milk ~ she got up  6. regardless of the degree to which ; though improbable ~ it seems, it's true  7. for the re~on that ; because, since stayed home ~ she had no car  8. that the result is so clearly guilty ~ to leave no doubt  Usage: see like  III. pronoun  Date: 12th century  1. that, who, which — used after same or such in the same building ~ my brother tears such ~ angels weep — John Milton and chiefly dialect after a substantive not modified by same or such that kind of fruit ~ maids call medlars — Shakespeare  2. a fact that is a foreigner, ~ is evident from his accent  IV. preposition  Date: 13th century  1.  a. like 2 all rose ~ one man  b. like 1a his face w~ ~ a m~k — Max Beerbohm  2. in the capacity, character, condition, or role of works ~ an editor  V. noun  (plural ~ses)  Etymology: Latin  Date: 1540  1.  a. a bronze coin of the ancient Roman republic  b. a unit of value equivalent to an ~ coin  2. libra 2a AS  abbreviation  1. after sight  2. airspeed  3. Anerican Samoa  4. Anglo-Saxon  5. antisubmarine  6. associate in science AS  I. abbreviation altostratus  II. symbol arsenic ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adv., conj., & pron. --adv. & conj. (adv. as antecedent in main sentence; conj. in relative clause expressed or implied) ... to the extent to which ... is or does etc. (I am as tall as he; am as tall as he is; am not so tall as he; (colloq.) am as tall as him; as many as six; as recently as last week; it is not as easy as you think). --conj. (with relative clause expressed or implied) 1 (with antecedent so) expressing result or purpose (came early so as to meet us; we so arranged matters as to avoid a long wait; so good as to exceed all hopes). 2 (with antecedent adverb omitted) having concessive force ( good as it is = although it is good; try as he might = although he might try). 3 (without antecedent adverb) a in the manner in which (do as you like; was regarded as a mistake; they rose as one man). b in the capacity or form of (I speak as your friend; Olivier as Hamlet; as a matter of fact). c during or at the time that (came up as I was speaking; fell just as I reached the door). d for the reason that; seeing that (as you are here, we can talk). e for instance (cathedral cities, as York). --rel.pron. (with verb of relative clause expressed or implied) 1 that, who, which (I had the same trouble as you; he is a writer, as is his wife; such money as you have; such countries as France). 2 (with sentence as antecedent) a fact that ( he lost, as you know). Phrases and idioms as and when to the extent and at the time that (I'll do it as and when I want to). as for with regard to (as for you, I think you are wrong). as from on and after (a specified date). as if (or though) as would be the case if (acts as if he were in charge; as if you didn't know!; looks as though we've won). as it is (or as is) in the existing circumstances or state. as it were in a way; to a certain extent (he is, as it were, infatuated). as long as see LONG(1). as much see MUCH. as of 1 = as from. 2 as at (a specified time). as per see PER. as regards see REGARD. as soon as see SOON. as such see SUCH. as though see as if. as to with respect to;...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I сокр. от absorption spectroscopy абсорбционная спектроскопия II сокр. от air service 1) воздушные перевозки 2) воздушное сообщение III сокр. от air speed воздушная скорость IV сокр. от articulation score показатель разборчивости речи V сокр. от automatic sprinkler 1) автоматический разбрызгиватель 2) автоматическая дождевальная установка ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. вводит придаточные определительные предложения или обороты с such, the same или so в главном предложении какой, 2. который, как, что he came the same day as you —- он приехал в один день с вами 3. вводит придаточные определительные предложения, относящиеся ко всему главному предложению что, и это he was telling the truth, as you could see by his face —- он говорил правду, что было видно по его лицу 4. как (например) some animals as the fox and the squirrel have bushy tails —- у некоторых животных, как (например) у лис и белок, пушистые 5. хвосты 6. как, одинаково deaf as a post —- глухой как пень late as usual —- опоздал как всегда as such —- как таковой man as man —- человек как таковой 7. в сочетаниях as for —- что касается, что до as for that book I don't like it —- что касается этой книги, то мне она не нравится as from a date to be specified —- с даты, которая будет определена позднее I'm resigning from the committee as from now —- я выхожу из состава комитета с сего числа as much —- так I thought as much —- я так и думал as of —- ам. что касается, что до as per —- ком. канц. согласно as per order —- согласно прилагаемой копии as to —- относительно, о he said nothing as to wages —- он ничего не сказал относительно заработной платы 8. что до, что касается as to you, you can do whatever you like —- что касается вас, то можете делать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. pron.; relat.  1) какой, который this is the same book as I lost - это такая же книга, как та, что я потерял  2) что he was a foreigner as they perceived from his accent - акцент выдавал в нем иностранца  2. adv.  1) как do as you are told - делайте как (вам) сказано as per order comm. - согласно заказу  2) как например some animals, as the fox and the wolf - некоторые животные, как например лиса и волк  3) в качестве кого-л. to appear as Hamlet - выступить в роли Гамлета to work as a teacher - работать преподавателем as... as... - так же... как; he is as tall as you are он такого же роста, как и вы as far as -  а) так далеко; до; I will go as far as the station with you я провожу вас до станции;  б) насколько; as far as I know насколько мне известно; as far back as 1920 еще в 1920 году; as far back as two years ago еще два года тому назад as for - что касается, что до; as for me, you may rely upon me что касается меня, то можете на меня положиться as much as - сколько; as much as you like сколько хотите; I thought as much я так и думал as good as - все равно что; фактически; the work is as good as done работа фактически закончена as well a) - также; I can do it as well я также могу это сделать;  б) с таким же успехом as yet - пока еще, до сих пор; there have been no letters from him as yet от него еще пока нет писем  3. cj.  1) когда, в то время как (тж. just as) he came in as I was speaking - он вошел, когда я говорил just as I reached the...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adv, prep 1 as old/fat/clever etc as sb/sth equally old, fat etc as someone or something else  (My brother is not as old as me. | Her ring is twice as big as mine. | as soon as possible (=as soon as you can) | just as clever/clean/happy etc)  (Tina's clever, but her brother is just as clever.)  (- see also as good as good1 (34)) 2 such as for example  (a heavy land horse such as a Suffolk | "There are plenty of opportunities for young people." "Oh yeah, such as?" | such ... as)  (The disease attacks such birds as parrots and canaries.)  (- see also no such ... as such1 (6)) 3 as a teacher/mother/actor etc used when you are describing someone's job or the main purpose of someone or something  (As parents we are concerned for our children's future. | Speaking as your doctor, I would not advise this. | It's not bad as a first attempt. | The children all dressed up as animals.) 4 as a result of sth because of something  (Several businesses went under as a result of the recession.) 5 be regarded as sth to be considered to be something  (`Novecento' is regarded by many as Bertolucci's best film.)  (- see also as one one2 (15)) ~2 conjunction 1 used in comparisons  (I can't run as fast as I used to. | Jim works in the same office as my sister does.) 2 in the particular way or manner mentioned  (Do as I say! | We'd better leave things as they are until the police arrive. | As I mentioned in my last letter, I'll be back in Ohio in June. | David, as you know, has not been well lately. | as usual)  (Roberta was late as usual.) 3 while or when  (I saw Peter as I was getting off the bus. | As time passed, things seemed to get worse.) 4 used to state why a particular situation exists or why someone does something  (As we're both tired, let's just grab a takeaway. | seeing as (=since))  (A cup of tea? I hardly think so, seeing as I'm going out in about two minutes.) 5 though  (Unlikely as it might seem, I'm tired too. | Try as she might, Sue couldn't get the door open. | As popular as he is, the President hasn't always managed to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Ankylosing Spondylitis physiol. abbr. Aortic Stenosis physiol. abbr. Astigmatism physiol. abbr. Arteriosclerosis physiol. abbr. Auris Sinistra (left Ear) physiol. abbr. Anal sphincter mil. abbr. All Source mil. abbr. Authorization Subsystem mil. abbr. Assault Shotgun mil. abbr. Anti Submarine mil. abbr. FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit mil. abbr. Aerial Surveillance mil. abbr. Autonomous System mil. abbr. Access System (JOPES) mil. abbr. As Stated mil. abbr. Assault Support mil. abbr. Acquisition Strategy country abbr. American Samoa 2-let. lang. abbr. Assamese U.S. state abbr. American Samoa chemis. abbr. Ammonium Sulphate chemis. abbr. Arsenic ac. degr. abbr. Associate Of Science univ. abbr. Associated Students electron. abbr. Arsenic electron. abbr. Autonomous System funny abbr. After Sperry adult abbr. Absolutly Stupid softw. abbr. Advanced Solutions gen. comp. abbr. Autonomous System gen. comp. abbr. Activity Start gen. comp. abbr. Application System comp. assem. abbr. Add Sideways network. abbr. Application Server network. abbr. Appliance Server network. abbr. Add Subnet file ext. abbr. Acstionscript educ. abbr. American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials fam. abbr. Adolf Schickelgruber fam. abbr. Alexander Schleicher law abbr. Alaska Statute gen. bus. abbr. Allocation Status lat. abbr. Anno Societatis ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - worn-down form of O.E. alswa "quite so" (see also). Equivalent to so; any distinction in use is purely idiomatic. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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